Rest Easy


We all want a good night’s sleep. The Australian Sleep Health Foundation recently released a paper stating that sleep disorders are ‘a large and under-recognised problem in Australia,’ with the annual cost of sleep disorders approaching one billion dollars. Stress is a well known cause for sleep disorders, which can lead to all kinds of health problems including heart disease, cancer and stroke.

On a day-to-day basis we all know that sleep problems can:


  • affect our concentration
  • cause us to forget things
  • make us feel fatigued and have no energy
  • cause us to have accidents
  • cause emotional instability


But how can we mitigate stress problems and ensure a good night’s sleep?

The National Institute for Health in America recommends for adults 7-8 hours of sleep each night, stating that missed hours of sleep will accumulate over time, forming what is known as a ‘sleep debt.’ The NIH warns that ‘the sleep debt can have powerful effects on daytime performance, thinking, and mood.

To ensure quality sleep, the Australian Sleep Health Foundation urges that consumption of sugar and caffeine should be limited at night time, and that large meals such as dinner should be consumed at least three hours prior to bed time.

It is advised that bedrooms need to be peaceful places, with comfortable furniture; whose primary purpose is good, quality sleep. Home security and fire safety are important too, as a reliable system can allow your mind to switch off when your house lights do. You can rest easy with ADA Prime Security’s residential outdoor and indoor alarm system and fire safety packages. Leave your security and fire safety concerns to the professionals, while you and your family enjoy peace of mind and a good night’s sleep.

It is vital to take steps to protect what’s yours. ADA Prime Security offers a range of home and family security products, including:

  • Indoor and outdoor alarms
  • Video and motion sensor alarms
  • Smartphone monitoring, anywhere, anytime
  • Dedicated, professional monitoring services


Let ADA Prime Security’s professionally licensed technicians and monitoring staff worry for you. Be assured that your home and family are looked after, so you can rest easy.


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