Our Furry Friends Need Protecting Too
While we\'re at work we can forget that our furry friends are waiting at home for us. With our hectic lifestyles our furry family members can be overlooked, even though we have the best of intentions, our pets can be left at home to face problems alone. Whether an iron is left on, a gate is left open or an accident happens we want to ensure the safety of our pet.
ADA Prime Security is able to offer home security for the whole family, including your pets. Even your furry friends can benefit from home security equipment which can be provided by ADA Prime Security. One of the greatest aspects of having a home security system is the knowledge that you and your pets are protected from burglaries, fires and various other dangers.
One of the most important security products that you can have is a monitored smoke detector. Monitored smoke detectors will raise alarm if they sense heat or smoke; you will be notified immediately of any fire activation. Fires often result in the complete loss of a home and all of its contents; and sadly that can include your beloved family pet. You can feel assured because the fire brigade will be immediately notified of any incident through the monitored smoke alarm.
Surveillance cameras are also very important. ADA’s video systems allow you to watch your home & what your pets get up to while you are out of the house. This can be a lot of fun as your pets can do pretty some hilarious things when they think that no one is watching them! Most importantly however is the peace of mind that comes from being able to keep a close eye on your furry friend. You’ll receive all kinds of insights on how to keep pets safe in the home when you’re not around.
These are just some of the products that ADA Prime Security can offer to help keep your pets and family safe.